jeudi 11 août 2005

to you, english speaking person...


how cheese whizz you?

It's not ofter that I write directly to someone (or act as if someone's reading for that matters) but hey, it thought I'd give you props for taking the time to translate some of my posts.

I'm not sure that you understood ALL I was writing. Maybe you think I'm lacking basic grammary and syntax skills, but french sentences are not at all constructed the same way as english ones.

Anyways, thanks for reading (hope it somewhat made sense to you) and keep up the good work. (some thoughts are funnier in english...I sound like Pedro, Napoleon's friend and aspiring school president)

(à moins que ce soit un gars vraiment fini qui s'dit: Eille, ça doit être drôle traduire sa page en anglais, lui!)

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